Vision Boards are important because:
Intention to action.
It's like creating a visual partnership with the universe.
Tell the universe your desires, Law of attraction.
Maps out what you want in your life.
This helps to focus on what it is that you truly want.
A beautiful gift yourself to help clarify and connect what's important in your life.
5 Benefits of creating a vision board
Vision boards make you think about what it is you really want.
Vision boards help you get unstuck.
Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals.
Vision boards will get you all fired up emotionally.
Vision boards are fun.
Steps to completing Vision Board.
Create visuals, pictures, and words.
Types of vision boards.
Poster board- get magazines and cut pictures out.
White board - post pictures on white board
Digital board - create it from various digital platforms ie: canva, mindmovies, picmonkey, ect.
Different areas of focus in a vision-boards.
Home Family Life
New Year's Vision Board
Join the Vision Board Builders group to build your own Vision Boards.
Click this link to join:
Sample templates
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
In closing, vison boards help with mapping out the future by putting the intentions out to the universe to manifest. This is a great way to move forward into the new years with dreams,
goals and focus.
Happy manifesting in 2022.