Acknowledge your pain points!
Pain points can show up in different ways, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Mentally - being affected by the fog of grief especially when you are told about grief. The shock of the news can literally put you in a state of confusion and disorientation.

Emotional a sense of being overwhelmed with the situation. It can also effect your emotional states of well being. It can trigger deep emotional impacts of sadness that can affect your life.
Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions such as mood swings and agner.
Understand that your grieving process will be unique to you and there is no time limit.
Seek out face-to-face support to ensure that you get the help needed.
Getting help is not a weakness but a strength to getting to the point of learning to cope with grief.
Physical pain can affect your entire body from headaches, stomach aches, feeling hopeless ect.
Recognize the difference between grief and depression.